
tamoadmin 游玩地点 2024-08-16 4 0
  1. 贵州青岩古镇导游词中英文?




Hello *ryone! Welcome to Qin*an Ancient Town in Guizhou Province! This ancient town has a rich history and uni*ue architect*al style. First, let*#39;s start at the entrance of the town, where you will see an ancient archway with ex*uisite calligraphy. As you enter the town, you will *e greeted *y well-preserved Ming and Qing dynasty *uildings on *oth sides of the old streets, showcasing the town*#39;s uni*ue charm. In the center of the town, there is an ancient temple dedicated to ancient deities. The town also has *ny traditional handicraft shops where you can *uy *l souvenirs. Here, you can also taste authentic Guizhou cuisine such as so* fish soup and spicy noodles. Enjoy yo* time in Qin*an Ancient Town! Thank you!


Qin*an Town, an ancient town in Ming and Qing Dynasties, is a*out 60 li away from Guiyang. It is close to Miao Township, and used to *e an important military town to suppress the uprising of Miao people. It was also a thoroughfare to Sichuan, Hunan, Yunnan and Guangxi, through which merchants came and went.
