
tamoadmin 游玩地点 2024-08-13 2 0
  1. 七年级上册英语用人名造句?
  2. 请以lily的名义给kate写一封感谢信1感谢她送的词典,这正是你一直想要买的词典?


1. Lily is my *est friend and we always do o* homework together.<*r>2. Peter is a talented musician and he plays the guitar *eautifully.<*r>3. Sarah is the captain of the school *asket*all team and she leads us to victory.<*r>4. Michael is an excellent student who always gets top scores on his tests.<*r>5. Emily is a kind-hearted girl who always *s others in need.<*r>6. Jack is a funny and energetic *oy who *kes *ryone laugh.<*r>7. Em* is a hardworking student who n*r gives up, *n when faced with challenges.<*r>8. James is a dedicated athlete who trains *ry day to improve his skills.<*r>9. Sophia is a creative artist who loves to paint *eautiful pict*es.<*r>10. Daniel is a responsi*le and relia*le class monitor who keeps *rything organized.


R对应的英语: Hello Kate, Many thanks for the dictionary you g*e to me as a gift, which is the one I merely wanted to *uy and I had *een s*ing money for it. The dictionary came to my hand just in time as I need it for my examination. I like it so much, It’s very useful and *ful in my study. Thanks again and *est regards from Lily
